青木陵子+伊藤存 変化する自由分子のWORKSHOP展 __ワタリウム美術館 Ryoko Aoki + Zon Ito WORKSHOP FREE MOLECULES METAMORPHOSES__Watarium Museum

「変化する自由分子のWORKSHOP」で は、日本を代表する現代アーティスト青木陵子と伊藤存の共同作品を紹介します。



この展覧会「 変化する自由分子のWORKSHOP」では、これまでの共作に加え、お店から始まった様々な人との流動がワークショップ的に展開します。

Exhibition / 青木陵子+伊藤存 変化する自由分子のWORKSHOP展
Museum / ワタリウム美術館
展示期間 / 2020.3.29-2020.8.30

青木 陵子 Ryoko Aoki
主な個展に、02年 “ クリテリオム51青木 陵子”水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー。05-06年 “HAMMER PROJECT Ryoko Aoki”ハマー美術館、ロサンゼルス。10年 “ ワイルドフラワーのたね”オン・サンデーズ。11、18年にTake Ninagawaにて開催。
主なグループ展に、1998年 “ どないやねん!現代日本の創造力”, パリ国立高等美術学校。07年 “ ドクメンタ12”カッセル。13-17年 “椿会-初心-”資生堂ギャラリー。17年 “In Focus: Contemporary Japan”,ミネアポリス美術館など多数。

伊藤 存 Zon Ito
主な個展に、03年 “ きんじょのはて”ワタリウム美術館。04年 “Veins” Konrad Fischer Gallery,
“How Latitudes Become Forms”Walker Art Center, ミネアポリス。05年 “第11回 インド
トリエナーレ”ラビ・バワン・ギャラリー、ニューデリー。09年 “Louisa Bufardeci & Zon Ito”シドニー現代美術館。13-17年 “椿会-初心-”資生堂ギャラリー。17年 “Japanorama. A new vision on art since 1970”ポンピドゥー・センター・メス、メス、フランスなど多数。

写真 / Shiho Ukaji

“Workshop Free Molecules Metamorphoses” exhibition in WATARI-UM, The Watari Museum of Contemporary Art shall introduce several kinds of collaborative works of Ryoko Aoki and Zon Ito, two of top contemporary artists in Japan.

At Reborn-Art Festival 2017, on a small and quiet beach on the Oshika Peninsula in Miyagi Prefecture, they exhibited a mixture of different kinds of created pieces, including the art pieces created by Aoki and by Ito brought from Kyoto, the pieces created from soil and barks collected from the beach, cooking stove of natural stone and etc. The title of this work was “Beach, Hands and Brains” and provided the space consisted only of humans’ CREATIVITY itself and nature.

At Reborn-Art Festival 2019, their work moved to Aji-shima island accessible by boat from Osika Peninsula. One of their new works was a shop called “Metamorphoses” that retouched several things found in some of the empty houses on the island metamorphosing them into products and sold them. Also they created “A field in the sea” that was created on a piece of land originally used as a field by a local fisherman, using resources on the island, as if growing crops from seeds in the field. Here, their works developed from “humans’ creativity” to “expanding creativity” that would connect with people.

From their works, the possibility of “humans’ creativity” - magic of humans’ hands, conversation with nature, and universality over time - is continuously developing.

This exhibition “Workshop Free Molecules Metamorphoses” expands the flow with various people sprouted from the shop like a workshop, in addition to their collaborated works until now.

Moreover, a series of collaborative animation work started in 2000 grew up to be a piece called “The State One Reaches by the Age of Nine” and still continues to grow like human’s emotion grows.

Exhibition / Ryoko Aoki + Zon Ito
Museum / Watarium Museum
DATE / 2020.3.29-2020.8.30

PHOTO / Shiho Ukaji