代表取締役 徳永 雄太CEO Yuta Tokunaga
建築倉庫ミュージアム 初代館長
2018年5月 ARCHI HATCH株式会社設立 Founding Director of ARCHI-DEPOT Museum
May 2018 Foundation of ARCHI HATCH CO,Ltd.
2018年5月 ARCHI HATCH株式会社設立 Founding Director of ARCHI-DEPOT Museum
May 2018 Foundation of ARCHI HATCH CO,Ltd.
■プロフィール / 来歴
1980年 東京生まれ
2016年、建築模型に特化した日本国内唯一の展示施設「建築倉庫ミュージアム」開館と同時に館長に就任。25組を超える世界的建築家の作品模型を「展示しながら保存する」をコンセプトした キュレーションと館の経営全般を統括。
またその傍ら京都伝統工芸プロジェクトのアドバイザーや一般社団法人日本建築文化保存協会の理事なども歴任した。2018年5月にARCHI HATCHを設立。 ■Profile / History
Born in Tokyo, Japan. Graduated Hosei University with B.A. in Economics After studying in England, spent 8 years in Shanghai, China working for an advertising agency. Returned to Tokyo and Joined Warehouse TERRADA in 2014.
Founded the only museum in Japan specialized in architectural models, ARCHI-DEPOT Museum, and became the Director in 2016. Administrated the curation and overall management of the museum with the concept of “preserving while exhibiting” models of over 25 international architects, and created the world’s first museum system. The museum opened its door to the public in June 2016, and spread its name to the world in a second. It was chosen by architecturaldigest as one of the most valuable architectural museums, and got featured on various well known media such as Al Jazeera as well. Also served an advisor for Kyoto Traditional Crafts Project and a board member of ARCHI-DEPOT Corporation.
1980年 東京生まれ
2016年、建築模型に特化した日本国内唯一の展示施設「建築倉庫ミュージアム」開館と同時に館長に就任。25組を超える世界的建築家の作品模型を「展示しながら保存する」をコンセプトした キュレーションと館の経営全般を統括。
またその傍ら京都伝統工芸プロジェクトのアドバイザーや一般社団法人日本建築文化保存協会の理事なども歴任した。2018年5月にARCHI HATCHを設立。 ■Profile / History
Born in Tokyo, Japan. Graduated Hosei University with B.A. in Economics After studying in England, spent 8 years in Shanghai, China working for an advertising agency. Returned to Tokyo and Joined Warehouse TERRADA in 2014.
Founded the only museum in Japan specialized in architectural models, ARCHI-DEPOT Museum, and became the Director in 2016. Administrated the curation and overall management of the museum with the concept of “preserving while exhibiting” models of over 25 international architects, and created the world’s first museum system. The museum opened its door to the public in June 2016, and spread its name to the world in a second. It was chosen by architecturaldigest as one of the most valuable architectural museums, and got featured on various well known media such as Al Jazeera as well. Also served an advisor for Kyoto Traditional Crafts Project and a board member of ARCHI-DEPOT Corporation.