黒住教霊地神道山大教殿__浦辺 鎮太郎 The Kurozumi-Kyo Daikyoden Prayer Hall in Shintozan___Shizutaro Urabe

「建築家 浦辺鎮太郎の仕事 倉敷から世界へ、工芸からまちづくりへ」学芸出版社より
朽木 順綱(大阪工業大学准教授)

構造担当 / 塩路建築事務所
竣工日 / 1974年11月
構造・構法 / RC造、S造
敷地面積 / 293,318㎡
建築面積 / 1,324㎡
延床面積 / 2,524㎡





写真 / フォワードストローク




『建築家 浦辺鎮太郎の仕事 ―倉敷から世界へ、工芸からまちづくりへ』
浦辺鎮太郎建築展実行委員会 監修/松隈 洋・笠原一人・西村清是 編著


The Kurozumi-Kyo's Shrine of the Sun as Religious Place of Modern Architecture
The Daikyoden prayer hall is the central building of Kurozumi-Kyo's shrine of the sun(Hinomiaraka), and as it is praised as "an environmental design that makes excellent use of topography and orientation", the two axes created by the prayer hall and the topography control tis spatial composition. In other words, those are the north-south axis unique to Kurozumi-Kyo that dedicates prayers to the founder of the religion as a god, who is a person who actually existed in the early modern times, and the east-west axis that aligns with the "daily prayer" to the rising sun, a doctrine known as "Taste(the Verticality of the Sun)," and the universal and archaic prayer to Ise Jingu, which the founder himself worshiped.
From the external appearance of the prayer hall, which forms the north-south worship axis, a design derived from the styles not only of Ise Jingu, but also of Kibitsu Shrine near the site, and even of the traditional Japanese houses can be read. However, as for the interior space, the worship axis is 90 degrees different from that of Ise Jingu and Kibitsu Shrine, which are accessed from the longitudinal side, and the depth in the direction of the ridge in which the rafters are arranged in parallel and the verticality of the roof slope seen from ineide form a modern perspective of an interior space open to people. Its spatial caracteristics can relate to Kurozumi-Kyo's plain and clear teachings, which are also unaderstood as practical ethics for human society. On the other hand, the compotion of the stairs from the lower floor to the upper floor of the Shinyukan buildings, which form"Tatae"in the east-west direction, has a more emotional and non-visual character. The stairs, which is described as a "relatively dark approach without daylight", evokes pre-logical bodily sensations. As Urabe himself also said about ancient Japanese religious spaces, "Darkness is also in Shinto, that darkness…with nothing in the world being seen, but only heard… the most sacred is invisble", the finely segmented horizontal roofs overlapping with each other at low heights create a suppressive spatial expression with the "only-sound", condition, and then silence in which not even a sound can be heard. Thus, at the horizontal roofs of the Shinyukan building and the sloped roof of the Daikyoden prayer hall, the darkness in a topographical depression and the lightness of a hall, religious holiness and ethical doctrines, gathering by people and meeting with gods, the serenity and excitement before and after prayers, etc. are dressed in contrasting architectural expressions of modernism and toraditional styles, overlapping with each other in multiple meanings.
「The Works of Architect Shizutaro Urabe From Kurashiki to the World From Crafts to Town Planning」
Gakugei Shuppansha
Yoshitsuna Kutsuki(Associate Professor, Osaka Institute of Technology)
Translation: Fraze Craze Inc.

Structural Engineer / Shioji architect office
Year / 1974
Main Structure and Construction / reinforced concrete construction, steel construction
Building area / 293,318㎡
Building scale / 1,324㎡
Total floor area / 2,524㎡





Photo / Forward Stroke inc.



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